ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Calling Name Presentation

Calling name presentation is when someone calls you, and your name appears on the screen or is heard through the phone, so you know who is calling you.

It's like when you are playing a game, and you see the name of the person you are playing with on the screen. Or when you are sitting in class, and the teacher calls your name to answer a question.

When someone calls you, your phone takes your name and sends it to the other person's phone. Then, their phone shows or says your name, so they know who is calling them. This is very helpful because sometimes we don't recognize the number that is calling us, but we can see the name on the screen and know who is calling.

Calling name presentation is a nice feature that we can use to identify who is calling us, so we know if we should answer the phone or not.