ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Camera angle

You know how when you take a picture with your toy camera, you can point it up, down, or straight ahead? That's kind of like camera angles!

A camera angle is the way the camera is positioned when it takes a picture or shoots a video. It is like the view that you have when you look at the picture or video.

If you hold your toy camera up high and point it down, you can see the top of your head in the picture. That's called a high angle shot because the camera is positioned high up. It makes things look smaller or less important because they seem far away.

If you hold your camera down low and point it up, you can see the sky in the picture. That's called a low angle shot because the camera is positioned low. It makes things look bigger or more important because they seem close to you.

And if you hold your camera straight ahead, you can see things at eye level. That's called a neutral or eye level shot. It's like seeing things just as they are, without any special effects.

So, camera angle is just a fancy way of talking about where the camera is pointed or positioned. It can make things look different or tell a story in a special way!