ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Camera lucida

Okay kiddo, so have you ever drawn a picture and wished you could draw it perfectly? Well, there's something called a camera lucida that could help you do just that!

Imagine a special tool that helps you see and trace an image you want to draw. That's what a camera lucida is! It's like having a secret device that lets you see an image in front of you and draw it on paper.

Here's how it works: the camera lucida has a prism that reflects the image you want to draw onto a piece of paper. When you look through the prism, you can see the image and the paper at the same time. That makes it easy to trace exactly what you see onto the paper!

It's kind of like magic, but it's really just using optics to help you draw better. People have been using camera lucidas for hundreds of years because it's so helpful.

So, whether you're an artist or just someone who loves to draw, a camera lucida might be a great tool for you to try out!
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