ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Can you hear their voices?

When people talk, they create sound waves that travel through the air and reach our ears. Our ears are like little microphones that can pick up these sound waves and turn them into signals that our brain can understand as words.

So, when you hear someone's voice, what's actually happening is that their vocal cords are vibrating, which creates sound waves that travel through the air to your ears. Your ears pick up these sound waves and send signals to your brain, which interprets the signals as the person's voice.

However, if someone is not in the same room or near you, you might not be able to hear their voice unless they are speaking loudly or if you use something like a phone or computer to communicate with them. In these cases, their voice is being picked up by a microphone and then sent to your device through the internet or phone lines, which then plays the sound through your speaker or headphones so that you can hear it.