ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canada Labour Code

The Canada Labour Code is a bunch of rules that tell people who work in Canada what they have to do at work and what their bosses have to do for them. It's kind of like a big rulebook for work.

For example, the Canada Labour Code says that bosses have to pay their workers at least a certain amount of money, and they can't make them work too many hours in a row without a break. It also says that workers have the right to take time off work if they're sick or need to take care of someone else who is sick.

The Canada Labour Code also says that if workers have a problem with their boss or their work, they can ask someone called a mediator to help them work it out. The mediator is like a person who's really good at helping people talk things out and come up with a solution that's fair for everyone. If the problem is really serious, the Canada Labour Code says workers can even take their boss to court.

Overall, the Canada Labour Code is just a set of rules that helps keep workers and bosses safe and fair to each other. It's like a big guidebook for how work should be done in Canada.