ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canadian banknote issuers

In Canada, there are a few different groups that are responsible for making and issuing the money that we use to buy things. These groups are like special teams who work together to make sure that we have enough money to use and that it looks nice and is hard to copy or fake.

One group of people in charge of the Canadian money is called the Bank of Canada. They're like the boss of all the different kinds of money that we use, like coins and bills. They make sure that there's enough money to go around and that the money is worth what it's supposed to be worth. They also help make sure that the money is hard to counterfeit or copy. So basically, the Bank of Canada is like the big boss of Canadian money.

Another group that helps make Canadian money is called the Canadian Bank Note Company. They are like a team of artists and designers who come up with cool designs for money. They create the pictures and colors that we see on our bills and make sure that everything looks really nice and interesting to look at. They also make sure that the money is hard to copy or fake, so that people can't make fake money and use it instead of real money.

There are also other companies and organizations that help make and issue Canadian money, but these are the main ones. All of these groups work together to make sure that Canada has enough money to use and that it's all safe and hard to fake. So next time you use some Canadian money, you can remember all the hard work that goes into making it!