ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canal tunnel

Imagine you're playing with your toy cars and you have a big river that you want to cross. But you don't want to go over a bridge because you want to keep driving your cars. So, you decide to go under the river by digging a tunnel!

Now, let's imagine that instead of being a toy car, you're a big boat that needs to cross a river. Sometimes, the river is too wide or too deep for the boat to cross it easily. In these cases, people also dig tunnels under the river to allow the boats to pass through.

These tunnels are called canal tunnels. They are like big underground tunnels that can be very long and wide. They allow boats to pass through the river without having to go over bridges or get damaged by the water.

To build a canal tunnel, people first have to find a good spot to dig. They usually look for a place where the river is not too rough and the ground is stable. Then, they use big machines and tools to dig through the ground and create the tunnel.

Once the tunnel is complete, boats can enter and exit through a gate on either end of the tunnel. They enter the tunnel and drive through it until they come out the other side. It's like a secret passage for boats!

Canal tunnels are very useful for transportation and for moving goods from one place to another. They make it easier for boats to cross rivers and travel long distances without having to worry about obstacles.