ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canister shot

Canister shot is a type of ammunition that was used a long time ago by soldiers in battles. It is basically a metal canister that is filled with small metal balls or other things that can cause damage, like rocks or pieces of glass.

When a soldier wanted to use canister shot, they would load it into a special kind of gun called a cannon. The cannon would then shoot the canister at the enemy soldiers.

When the canister hit the ground, it would explode and all of the little things inside would fly out in every direction. This would cause a lot of damage to the enemy soldiers because they would get hit by lots of little things all at once.

Canister shot was very effective in battles because it could take out a lot of enemy soldiers all at once. However, it was also very dangerous for the soldiers using it because they had to be very close to the enemy to shoot it.