ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cannabis culture

Cannabis culture refers to the way people who like to use cannabis (also known as marijuana or weed) think and behave. It's like a group of people who share similar ideas and values about marijuana.

You know how some people like drinking coffee, and they might meet up at a coffee shop to hang out? Well, cannabis culture is a bit like that, but with weed instead of coffee.

In this culture, people believe that using cannabis is a good thing and that it should be legal. They might wear clothes with weed symbols on them, like a leaf or a pot plant. They might also use weed-related lingo. For example, instead of saying "hello," they might say "hi there, fellow smoker."

Cannabis culture also involves music. People who use marijuana often like to listen to music while smoking. They might play songs about weed or songs that just sound good when you're high.

Another thing about cannabis culture is that people might use it for different reasons. Some people use it to relax, while others use it to socialize. People might also use cannabis for medical reasons to help with pain, anxiety, or other conditions.

Overall, cannabis culture is a group of people who like to use weed and share similar beliefs and values about it. They might use weed for different reasons, but they all think it's a good thing that should be legal.