ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cannel coal

Cannel coal is a type of coal that is really special because it has a very oily texture, almost like a candle. It's called cannel coal because the word 'cannel' means candle in Scottish language.

But why is cannel coal so special? Well, it's special because of the way it burns. You see, when you light regular coal, it can burn pretty quickly and make a lot of smoke. But when you light cannel coal, it burns slowly and evenly, almost like a candle.

People used to use cannel coal a lot back in the olden days because it was one of the few things that could make a really good fire without a lot of smoke. They would use it to light lamps and candles before electricity was even invented.

So, cannel coal is a really cool type of coal that has an oily texture and burns like a candle. It was used a lot in the past to make good fires without smoke, but now we have other ways to light our homes and buildings.
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