ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Marinite is a type of building material that is made from a special mixture of cement, vermiculite, and other materials. It is used to create walls, floors, and other structures in buildings.

Think of it like making a cake. You mix flour, eggs, sugar, and other ingredients together to make the cake batter. Similarly, to make marinite, the ingredients are mixed and poured into molds to make blocks or panels.

Marinite is special because it is resistant to fire and heat. This means that it can protect the inside of a building from fire or extreme heat outside. It is also lightweight, which makes it easy to transport and install.

So, if you think of your house like a castle, marinite is like the strong walls that keep the bad stuff out and keep the good stuff in. It's a strong, fire-resistant building material that helps keep buildings safe and secure.