ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canon (basic principle)

Do you know what a canon is? It's like a game where lots of people sing or play music together, but each person starts at a different time. Can you imagine it? Some people start singing right away, and other people wait a little bit to start. It's like a big musical puzzle!

Now imagine each person singing the same melody, but each person starting at a different time. When all the different parts come together, it makes a really cool and interesting sound! That's what a canon is!

In music, canon is not just a game, it's a basic principle. It's a way of composing music where different parts start at different times, but all follow the same melody. And when they all come together, it creates a beautiful harmony!

So that's what a canon is, it's like a musical puzzle where everyone sings or plays the same melody, but each person starts at a different time. It's a fun and cool way to make music!