ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canon law of the Anglican Communion

Canon law is like the rules for how people in the Anglican Church should behave and what they should believe. You know how there are rules for how you should behave at school or home? Well, the Anglican Church has rules like that too!

These rules are written down in a book called the "Canons of the Anglican Communion." Just like how your teachers make rules to keep you and your classmates safe and happy, the Anglican Church makes rules to keep its people safe and happy too.

These rules cover a lot of things like how you become a priest, how people can get divorced, how money should be used, and how to treat each other. They also have rules about how people in the church should dress, how to celebrate special events like Easter, and how to pray.

Following these rules is very important because it helps people in the church live good lives and make good choices. It's like a guidebook on how to be a good member of the Anglican Church.

In summary, canon law is like a set of rules that the Anglican Church follows to help its people live good lives and make good choices.