Canstruction is a fun and creative way to help people who don't have enough food to eat. Imagine playing with building blocks, but instead of plastic pieces, we use cans of food! Canstruction is when people make sculptures out of cans of food to show off their creativity and also give back to their community.
It starts when groups of people come together and collect lots of cans of food. Then they use those cans to build structures or sculptures that can be very big or very small. They might make a huge castle or a statue of a superhero.
After they finish building, people can come and look at their art. But that's not all. The cans of food used to make the sculptures are then donated to food banks or other organizations that help feed people who are hungry.
So not only is it a fun way to spend time with friends and family, it also teaches us the importance of giving back to our communities and helping those in need. And by using cans of food to make art, we're not just helping people, but we're also helping the environment by recycling cans that would have otherwise gone to waste.