ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cantilever bridge

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with blocks and made a bridge out of them? Well, a cantilever bridge is kind of like that! A cantilever bridge is a really big bridge that is made by sticking one part of it into the ground or a really strong support.

So imagine you have a really long stick and you stick one end of it into the ground and let the other end stick out over a river. That's kinda like a cantilever bridge! The part of the bridge that is sticking out over the water is called the "cantilever arm".

Now, do you remember those blocks we used to play with to make bridges? Well, the cantilever bridge is made the same way, but with really big and strong materials like steel and concrete instead of blocks.

The cantilever bridge has two big support structures on either side of the bridge that hold the cantilever arm up in the air. These support structures are called "piers" and they are usually made of concrete. Do you remember playing with those big legos that were like really big blocks? That's kinda what the piers look like!

So, if you were to walk across a cantilever bridge, you would be walking on the part that is attached to the piers and holds up the cantilever arm. But, you wouldn't be able to see the part that is sticking out over the water because it's not attached to anything!

And that's how a cantilever bridge works, kiddo. It's kind of like a really big stick that's stuck in the ground and holding up a long arm over the water. Cool, right?