ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canton–Hong Kong strike

Okay kiddo, so some people in a place called Canton and another place called Hong Kong are not going to work. They are doing this to show that they are angry and want things to change. They want better working conditions and more money for their work. This is called a strike. It's like when you refuse to play with your toys until you get what you want.

When people strike, they usually gather together in groups and make signs that say what they want. They chant things like "What do we want? Better pay! When do we want it? Now!"

But the people who own the companies where these people work might not like that they are striking. They might try to stop them from striking by threatening them or punishing them for not coming to work. This is not fair, but it happens sometimes.

It's important to remember that when people are striking, they are standing up for what they believe in. They want to make things better for themselves and others who work with them. It might be difficult for them, but they are willing to take that risk in order to make a change.