ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Captain General of the Church

Okay, so let's say you're playing a really big game of pretend with all of your friends. Each of you has a special job to do to make the game more fun, like being the leader or the one who decides the rules. And let's also pretend that this game is all about a group of people who believe in something called the Church.

Now, imagine that there's one person in your game who is really important - they're like the leader of the leaders. They have a special job called the "captain general" of the Church. Their job is to make sure that everyone in the game who believes in the Church is following the rules and doing what they're supposed to do.

But this person isn't just a bossy boss - they're also really important because they help make the Church strong and powerful. They might help decide who gets to be a leader in the Church, or they might give advice to people who are trying to make the Church better.

So, just like how you have a leader in your pretend game who helps make the game fun and fair, the captain general of the Church helps make the religion stronger and more successful.
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