ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Gonfalonier of the Church

Okay kiddo, you know how in your school there is a class president who helps make decisions and leads the student body? Well, in the Catholic Church there is a person called the "gonfalonier of the church" who helps make decisions and leads the Church in a certain area.

The gonfalonier of the church is kind of like a captain or a leader in charge of a group of people. They are appointed by the Pope and their job is to be in charge of a specific district or area of the Church. They act as the representative for the Pope in that area, and they help make decisions and lead the people there.

Their name comes from the word "gonfalone," which means a banner or flag used in medieval times. The gonfalonier would carry the banner, which was a symbol of leadership and power, and lead their people into battle. Nowadays, the gonfalonier of the church doesn't lead people into battle, but instead, they lead them spiritually.

So, just like how the class president helps make decisions and lead the students at your school, the gonfalonier of the church helps make decisions and leads the people in their district of the Catholic Church.