ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Car shuttle train

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes you go on a road trip with your family and you take your car with you? Well, sometimes people want to bring their car with them on a really long trip across water, like over the ocean. But obviously, cars can't drive on water!

So, clever people made a way to bring the cars across the water along with the people. It's called a car shuttle train. It's like a big train that carries trains on it instead of people, like the train you take to school.

The train is really big and has a special platform that the cars can drive onto, just like they would when you park in a parking lot. Once all the cars are on the platform, the train moves onto the tracks and starts to cross the water.

Then, once the train reaches the other side of the water, it drives off the tracks and unloads all the cars one by one. The cars drive off the platform just like they would in a parking lot and continue on their trip.

So, that's basically what a car shuttle train is. It's a train that helps cars cross water so their owners can take them on long trips. Pretty cool, huh?