ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carbide lamp

A carbide lamp is a special type of lamp that uses a chemical reaction to make light. The lamp has two parts – a container that holds water and a container that holds calcium carbide.

When water is added to the container with calcium carbide, it produces a gas called acetylene gas. This gas is highly flammable and can burn safely in a special type of burner. The burner is at the top of the lamp and has a small flame.

When the gas burns, it produces a bright white light, which is used as a source of light in places where electricity is not available or dangerous, such as underground mining operations.

The lamp needs to be operated carefully because the gas is flammable and can be dangerous. It is also important to keep the lamp clean and free of any debris that can clog the burner and cause the lamp to stop working.

Overall, a carbide lamp is a special type of lamp that uses chemical reactions to produce light in places where electricity is not an option.