ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cardboard modeling

Cardboard modeling is like playing with boxes to make cool things. You know how sometimes you get a big box from your parents and you can pretend it's a castle or a spaceship? Well, cardboard modeling is sort of like that, but you make things that are even cooler!

Here's how it works: First, you get some cardboard. It's just like the stuff that cereal boxes, shoe boxes, and delivery boxes are made out of. But when you do cardboard modeling, you want to get cardboard that's a bit thicker so it will hold its shape better.

Once you have your cardboard, you can use different tools to cut it, shape it, and glue it together. You might use scissors to cut out different pieces of cardboard or a knife to make more precise cuts. You might also use something like a ruler to make sure your measurements are correct. And, of course, you'll also need some glue so that your cardboard pieces will stick together.

Now, the fun part begins! You can use your cardboard to create all sorts of things like animals, buildings, or even robots. The possibilities are endless! You might start with a sketch of what you want to make, or you might just start cutting and see what happens. As you work, you can add details like paint, markers, or other decorations to make your creation look even better.

Cardboard modeling is a really fun way to be creative and build things using your imagination. And the best thing about it is that you can use materials that you probably already have at home. So next time you get a big box, grab some cardboard and start creating something amazing!
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