ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Paper model

A paper model is a toy or decoration made out of paper. Have you ever played with paper dolls or made paper airplanes? That's kind of what a paper model is like, but they are often much more complex and detailed.

To make a paper model, you usually start with a template or pattern that shows you how to fold and cut the paper. It's kind of like following a recipe when you're cooking.

The paper you use can vary in thickness, and there are specialized types of paper for making paper models. Some people use regular printer paper, while others use special cardstock or even thin plastic sheets.

Once you have your template and paper ready, you start folding and cutting. This is the part that can be a little tricky, especially if your model is very detailed. You might need to use scissors, a ruler, or a craft knife.

As you work on your paper model, you might notice that some pieces need to be glued together. Just like how you use glue to stick two pieces of paper together, you can use glue to hold different parts of your paper model in place.

When you're finished, you'll have a new paper toy or decoration that you can show off to your friends and family. It's a fun and creative way to use paper!