ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cardiff University

Cardiff University is a place where people go to learn new things, just like in school. But, it's a special kind of school where students are adults and they can learn about lots of different things like medicine, science, history, and even things like art and music.

Cardiff University is located in a big city called Cardiff in Wales, which is a part of the United Kingdom. When you go to Cardiff University, you will go to classes with other students who are also learning about similar topics.

Professors who are extremely smart and know a lot about these topics teach the classes. They explain things to the students in a way that is easy for them to understand. Sometimes, they might use things like pictures, videos, or even games to help students learn.

In addition to learning, there are lots of other things to do at Cardiff University. Students can join clubs, play sports, and even join groups that help people in their community. They can also make new friends who come from different places around the world.

Overall, Cardiff University is a great place for people who want to learn new things and have fun at the same time!