ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cardinal protector of England

So, imagine you live in a big house with a really big family. The family has a lot of important things, like money and fancy things. But sometimes, there are people who may want to take those important things away or hurt the family.

To keep everyone safe and protect all the important things, the family might have a special person who is responsible for making sure bad things don't happen. This person is called the "Cardinal Protector." They are like a superhero who watches over the family and makes sure everything is okay.

In England, they also have a Cardinal Protector, but instead of protecting a family, they protect the whole country! The Cardinal Protector of England is a very important person who has a special job to make sure bad things don't happen to the people and things in England.

They work really hard to keep England safe by making laws and rules to prevent bad things from happening. They also help the government make important decisions and give advice to the people who run the country.

It's kind of like having a superhero who always looks out for you and makes sure everything is going well. The Cardinal Protector of England is like the guardian of the country, making sure everyone is happy and safe.