A carlebach minyan is a special kind of Jewish prayer group that takes place in synagogues or other spaces for worship.
Imagine that you are playing with your toys and your friends want to come over to play with you. Sometimes, your friends might want to play with different toys or games than you usually play. That is kind of like how a carlebach minyan is different from a regular prayer service.
In a carlebach minyan, people pray in a way that is more musical and joyous. They might sing more songs and clap their hands while they pray. The singing is usually led by someone called a chazzan, who helps everyone stay together and on the same page.
Another special thing about a carlebach minyan is that people might dance during the service. It's like they are moving to the music and showing how happy they are to be singing and praying together.
Some people really enjoy going to carlebach minyans because they feel like they can connect with God and with other people in a unique and fun way. It's like a special playdate with God!