ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Carne pizzaiola

Carne pizzaiola is a yummy dish made with meat, sauce, and herbs. It's called "carne" because that means meat in Italian, and "pizzaiola" because the sauce is like what you would put on a pizza!

To make it, you take some nice meat like beef, and fry it up in a pan until it's brown on both sides. Then you pour in some tomatoes that you crushed up or a jar of tomato sauce.

Next, you add some yummy herbs like oregano and basil, which make the sauce taste really good. You can also add garlic if you like garlic, because that tastes good too.

Then you let everything cook together on the stove for a little while until the meat is cooked all the way through and the sauce is hot and bubbly.

When it's all done, you can serve the meat and sauce on top of some noodles like spaghetti or just eat it by itself! It's a really tasty meal that lots of people like to eat.