Carnival Row is a TV show that takes place in a magical world filled with fairies, little creatures called puck, and humans. This world is called the Burgue, and it's like a giant city with lots of different neighborhoods. The show follows the lives of different characters who live in this world and how they deal with their problems.
One of the main characters is a woman named Vignette – she is a fairy who has to deal with a lot of discrimination from humans. Another main character is a detective named Rycroft Philostrate, who is trying to solve a series of murders that are happening in the Burgue.
The show is filled with magic, mysterious creatures, and politics. There are a lot of different storylines that all come together in the end, but each episode focuses on a different character's journey.
So, in summary, Carnival Row is a really cool TV show that takes place in a magical world with fairies and lots of different types of people. There's a lot of drama and mystery, and you get to see different characters' stories unfold.