ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cars in the 1920s

Well kiddo, in the 1920s, cars were very different from the ones we have today. They looked funny and were much harder to drive.

The first thing you would notice about cars in the 1920s is that they had funny shapes. They were usually big and boxy, with lots of curves and pointy edges. This is because back then, cars were made out of wood and metal, and they had to be shaped by hand.

Nowadays, cars are mostly made out of metal and plastic, and they're designed using computers that can make perfect shapes. But back then, cars were designed by guys who did it all by hand. So the cars had a lot of personality, but they were also kind of weird looking.

The next thing you should know is that cars in the 1920s were much harder to drive than cars today. There were no power steering or power brakes, so it took a lot of muscle to steer and stop the car. You had to use your whole body to turn the wheel, and you had to push really hard on the brakes to make the car stop.

Also, the cars didn't go very fast. They only had a top speed of about 60 miles per hour, which is much slower than the cars of today.

Another thing to remember is that cars in the 1920s were a lot more dangerous than cars are today. There were no seat belts or airbags, so if you got into an accident, there was nothing to protect you. Plus, the roads weren't very good back then, so there were a lot of potholes and bumps that could make the car swerve out of control.

Finally, cars in the 1920s were a lot more expensive than cars today. A new car would cost about $500, which may not seem like a lot, but back then, that was a lot of money. Only rich people could afford to buy a car, so not everyone had one.

So, there you have it, kiddo. Cars in the 1920s were funny looking, hard to drive, dangerous, and expensive. But they were also pretty cool in their own way and helped pave the way for the cars we have today.
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