ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Bike boom

The bike boom is when lots of people start buying and using bikes all at once. It's like a sudden explosion of bikes! This can happen for many different reasons. Sometimes, people start using bikes as a way to get around instead of using cars or buses. Other times, there might be a big event that inspires people to take up biking as a hobby or sport.

During the bike boom, you might see more people riding bikes on the streets and bike paths. You might also notice that bike shops are busier than usual, with more people buying bikes and getting them repaired. Sometimes, there might even be a shortage of bikes or bike supplies because so many people are buying them!

There have been several bike booms throughout history. One of the biggest was in the 1970s, when lots of people started using bikes as a cheaper and more environmentally-friendly way to get around. Nowadays, there's been another bike boom because of the COVID-19 pandemic. With more people staying at home and looking for safe ways to exercise and get fresh air, biking has become a popular choice.