ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Canal mania

Canal Mania was a period in the late 1700s and early 1800s when people in England became very enthusiastic about building canals. Canals are long, narrow waterways, usually made of earth, that boats can travel through. During this period, people wanted to create networks of canals that would help ships travel around the country more quickly. They also wanted to use the canals to bring goods to different parts of the country, which would make it easier and cheaper to move goods around. To build the canals, engineers had to do a lot of work. They had to design the canals, dig deep ditches and build bridges over them. It was a huge effort, but the results were worth it. Canals were very useful and they made it easier to transport goods around England. They also became popular places to visit and like to spend the day.