ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cartridges and canisters of air-purifying respirators

Okay kiddo, imagine you are in a very dusty or stinky place and you want to breathe clean air. An air-purifying respirator is like a mask you wear on your face that can help you breathe clean air. But to make the air clean, the mask needs special things called cartridges and canisters.

The cartridges and canisters are like special filters that clean the air as you breathe in. They are little containers that have special materials inside them that can capture dust, smoke, vapors or gases that could be harmful to your lungs.

Cartridges are smaller than canisters and can be changed more frequently. They work best for gases and vapors from things like paint, solvents, or pesticides. Canisters are larger and can be used for longer periods of time. They work best for dust, smoke, and other particles.

But it's important to remember that these cartridges and canisters don't work forever. They have a shelf life, which means once they are opened and exposed to the air, they can only clean the air for a certain amount of time before they need to be replaced.

So, always make sure to check the expiration date and replace the cartridges or canisters regularly to make sure you are breathing clean air.