ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Casale Monferrato

Casale Monferrato is a town in Italy. It's like a little neighborhood, but bigger. People live there, work there, and have fun there.

Casale Monferrato is special because it has a long history. This means that people have been living there for a very long time. They have built buildings, homes, and things that are important to them over many years.

Casale Monferrato is also known for something called "asbestos." Asbestos is a material that was once used in buildings for insulation and other things. But it's not healthy for people to be around, and it can make them very sick.

Unfortunately, many people who lived in Casale Monferrato were exposed to asbestos over many years. This means that they breathed in the material and got sick from it. It's very sad, but people are now working to make sure that others are not exposed to asbestos and to help those who have been affected by it.

Overall, Casale Monferrato is a special place with a long history, but it has also been affected by something called asbestos, which can make people very sick.