ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Case of Proclamations

Hello, little one!

Did you know that the case of proclamations is a very important part of history and law?

Let me explain it to you in a way you can understand.

A while back, in England, the king was very powerful. He could make laws and rules all by himself without asking anyone else for permission. So, one day, the king made a proclamation, which is like an announcement, saying that no one could sell a certain type of cloth.

But some people didn't like that. They said that the king could not just make rules without asking anyone else. And they took this to the courts, asking for the proclamation to be reversed.

The judges agreed with the people and said that the king cannot just make up laws without getting approval from Parliament. Parliament is like a big group of people who help the king make decisions and laws, and they are meant to represent the people of England.

So, this case became known as the case of proclamations, and it was a very important moment in history because it showed that the king had to follow the laws and couldn't just do whatever he wanted.

That's it in a nutshell, little one. I hope you learned something new today!