ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Case of Prohibitions

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy that you really like. You think it's the coolest thing ever and you love playing with it all the time. But, there are some rules that your parents and teachers have made about playing with that toy. They might say that you can't play with it during certain times of the day or in certain parts of the house.

Rules like these are called prohibitions. They're things that say you can't do something. Prohibitions can be important because they help keep us safe or make sure things run smoothly. For example, your parents might prohibit you from playing soccer in the house because it could damage things or hurt someone.

In a more grown-up way, laws can be prohibitions too. They might say you can't do certain things, like drive too fast or steal things. These are important because they help keep everyone safe and happy. If we didn't have laws prohibiting things, people might do whatever they wanted and that could lead to chaos.

So, while prohibitions might sometimes feel like a bummer, they're really there to protect us and make sure everyone gets along.