ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Case of Sutton's Hospital

Okay, so a long time ago in England, there was a man named Thomas Sutton. He was very rich and he wanted to use his money to help people who were sick or poor. So, he founded a hospital called Sutton's Hospital.

Years later, some people wanted to change the name of the hospital and use the money for something else. There was a big argument about whether they could do that or not.

The court (which is like a group of important people who make legal decisions) had to decide what should happen. They looked at a document that Thomas Sutton wrote a long time ago when he founded the hospital. This document is called a charter, which is like a rulebook.

In the charter, Thomas Sutton said that the money should always be used to help sick and poor people. The court decided that they couldn't change the name of the hospital or use the money for something else because it would go against what Thomas Sutton wanted.

So, the hospital kept its name and the money continued to be used for helping people who needed it. The court's decision helped to make sure that Thomas Sutton's wishes were respected even after he was no longer alive.