ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Cashiering is like playing store, just like you might do at home with your toys. When you go to a store, like a grocery store or a clothing store, you'll see someone sitting behind a counter or standing at a register. That person is the cashier. The cashier's job is to help customers pay for their items, by scanning them or typing in the prices.

When you buy something, you'll give the cashier money or use a card to pay for your items. The cashier will count the money to make sure it's the right amount and give you back any change. They'll also give you a receipt, which is like a piece of paper that proves you bought something.

But being a cashier is more than just taking money! The cashier's job is also to be friendly and helpful to customers. They might answer questions about where to find things in the store, or help you sign up for a rewards program. They also have to be very careful when they handle money, because they need to make sure that all the money they take in matches up with what should be in their register.

So when you play store at home, you're actually pretending to be a cashier! You'll have to pretend to scan items and handle money, just like a real cashier. It's a very important job, because it helps people buy things they need and want.