ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cass Sunstein

Cass Sunstein is a fancy man who likes to think about how we can make laws that help everyone be happy and safe.

Imagine you're playing with your friends and someone keeps breaking the rules of the game, like cheating or hurting others. Cass Sunstein would say we need rules to punish those bad behaviors so that everyone can have fun and be happy playing the game.

But Cass Sunstein knows that making rules isn't always easy. Sometimes, people have different opinions about what's right and wrong. It's like when you and your friend both want to play with the same toy, but you can't decide who should have it.

That's where Cass Sunstein comes in. He thinks we should talk to each other and listen to everyone's ideas before we make rules. This way, we can find a solution that works for everyone! It's like when you and your friend talk about how to share the toy and you come up with a plan together.

Cass Sunstein also thinks we should make sure that the rules we create actually work. It's like when your mom and dad make a rule that you have to go to bed at a certain time, but you keep sneaking out of bed to play. Cass Sunstein would say the rule isn't working and we need to find a new solution.

So, Cass Sunstein is a smart man who wants to make sure we're all happy and safe by creating fair and effective rules.