ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cat tongue

A cat's tongue is very unique and different from a human's tongue. It has tiny little hooks, called papillae, on its surface that are actually pointed backward instead of forward like a human's taste buds. These hooks help cats to groom themselves and their fur by acting like a comb to remove dirt and loose hair from their coats as they lick and clean themselves.

These papillae also make a cat's tongue feel rough and scratchy, which can be slightly uncomfortable if they lick you. Additionally, this rough surface helps them to lap up water or milk more efficiently by creating a small pool of liquid using the back of their tongue and then quickly drawing it into their mouth.

Overall, a cat's tongue is a very important and unique tool that helps them to maintain their cleanliness, hydration, and overall health. And it's also pretty cool to see all those little hooks up close!
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