ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Catalan manual alphabet

Okay kiddo, the Catalan manual alphabet is a special way of using your hands to communicate letters in the Catalan language. You see, some people have trouble hearing or speaking, so they use sign language to talk to each other.

The Catalan manual alphabet has 27 different hand signs, one for each letter of the Catalan alphabet. Each sign looks like a letter but is made with your hands instead of with a pen or pencil.

For example, to make the letter "A" in Catalan sign language, you would hold your hand up with your palm facing outward and your fingers together, except for your thumb which would stick out. This shape looks like the letter "A."

Other letters are made by forming different shapes with your hand or fingers, like making a "V" shape for the letter "B" or spreading your fingers apart for the letter "E."

Using the Catalan manual alphabet can be really helpful for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who have trouble speaking. It helps them communicate with others who know the sign language, just like how you use your voice to talk to your friends.