ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Categorical list of programming languages

Imagine you have a big box of different toys. Now, you want to sort these toys into different categories based on what they do or how you play with them. For example, you can put all the cars in one category, all the dolls in another, and so on. This is similar to how we categorize programming languages.

Programming languages are like special tools that help us tell computers what to do. Just like we have different kinds of toys, we also have different programming languages. Each language is designed to do certain things or solve particular problems.

One category of programming languages is called "procedural languages." These are like building blocks that help us give step-by-step instructions to computers. They follow a specific order, just like when you have a recipe for making cookies. You have to do each step in the right order to get delicious cookies.

Another category is called "object-oriented languages." These languages are like sets of Lego blocks. You can build complex structures by combining small blocks together. Similarly, in object-oriented languages, you can create objects (like Lego blocks) and connect them to build more complicated programs.

There is also a category called "functional languages." These are like puzzles. You have different puzzle pieces, and you need to fit them together to solve a problem. In functional languages, you solve problems by breaking them down into smaller puzzle pieces and fitting them together to get the answer.

Another category is "scripting languages," which are like magic wands. They allow you to quickly perform repetitive tasks or automate certain actions. Imagine waving a wand and making all your toys come to life and do things for you!

Additionally, we have "markup languages." These are like special markers that help you format or structure documents. For example, HTML is a markup language that helps you create web pages by telling the computer how to display different elements like text, images, and links.

Finally, we have "domain-specific languages." These are like special tools designed for a specific job. Just like you have a toy toolset for fixing things around the house, domain-specific languages are tailored to solve specific problems in specific areas, like finance, mathematics, or video game development.

So, just like you can sort your toys into different categories based on how you play with them or what they do, we can categorize programming languages based on their characteristics and the kind of problems they are best suited to solve.