Catholic Church and Judaism are two different religions. The Catholic Church is a Christian religion, while Judaism is a Jewish religion.
Both religions have different beliefs about God, Jesus, and other important figures. For Catholics, Jesus is the son of God and the savior of humanity. For Jews, Jesus is not the messiah and is not considered divine.
The Catholic Church and Judaism have a complex history. The Jewish people were the first to believe in one God, and many of the Catholic Church's practices and beliefs stem from the Jewish faith.
Throughout history, there have been times of tension and conflict between Catholics and Jews. However, in recent years, efforts have been made to foster better relationships between the two religions.
Pope Francis has made several statements and gestures of friendship towards the Jewish community, and the Catholic Church has issued documents acknowledging the importance of Judaism and the Jewish people.
In summary, the Catholic Church and Judaism are two different religions with different beliefs. While there has been tension and conflict in the past, efforts are being made to build better relationships between the two religions.