ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cauchy's integral theorem

Okay, so imagine you have a magic land called "Complex Land" where all the numbers have two parts - a real part and an imaginary part. It's kind of like having two different kinds of cookies in a jar.

Now suppose you draw a shape in Complex Land, like a circle or a square, and it's called a "closed contour." This just means that the shape is all connected and it goes all the way around, like a fence around a backyard.

Cauchy's Integral Theorem says that if you have a "continuous function" inside the closed contour, which just means that it's a function where the cookies don't suddenly jump or disappear, then the integral (which is like adding up all the cookies inside the closed contour) of that function around the closed contour is always equal to zero.

That might sound confusing, but it just means that if you take a walk around the closed contour and add up all the cookie crumbs, you'll end up with exactly zero crumbs. It's like magic!
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