ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Celtic Media Festival

The Celtic Media Festival is like a big party for people who make and enjoy TV shows, movies, and radio programs in places like Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, and Brittany.

It's a time for everyone to come together and watch each other's creations, learn new things, and celebrate their cultures. Imagine a big room with lots of TVs and speakers, and people from all over these different parts of the world are sharing their favorite shows and music.

Some of the grown-ups who work in TV and radio might give speeches, too. They might talk about how they make the programs you watch at home, or maybe they'll give advice to other people who want to start making shows.

People who go to the Celtic Media Festival get to see things that they might not be able to watch on their normal TV channels, and they can learn about different cultures and languages that they might not know much about.

Overall, it's a fun time for everyone who loves media and wants to celebrate the amazing things that people from all over these Celtic regions are creating!