ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cem Evi

A cem evi is a special place where people who follow a certain religion called Alevism go to worship and pray. It is like a church or a mosque for other religions.

In the cem evi, people gather together to learn about their religion and connect with each other. They sit on cushions or benches in a large room called a cemevi salonu, which is usually decorated with symbols and artwork related to their beliefs.

The cem evi is led by a religious leader called a dede, who helps guide the community in their worship and practices. The dede will often lead the group in singing and chanting, and will tell stories and give teachings about the religion.

During certain times of the year, the cem evi can be particularly busy, especially during holidays called Bayramlar. This is when people dress up in traditional clothing, eat special foods, and celebrate together.

Overall, a cem evi is a very important place for the Alevi community, where they can come together to worship, learn, and be part of a supportive and loving community.