Okay, so have you ever played a game where you have to take turns and you can't talk while it's someone else's turn? Well, sometimes grown-ups do something similar with talking on the computer, especially if they are in big groups with other grown-ups from different countries.
Skype is a special computer game that lets people talk to each other over the internet. But sometimes, certain governments or companies in some countries get worried that people might say something mean or bad or dangerous over Skype. So, they might try to "censor" Skype, which means they don't let people use Skype or they stop people from talking about certain things over Skype.
It's kind of like playing that turn-taking game on the computer all the time, but instead of just giving everyone a fair chance to talk, some grown-ups might be trying to control what others say and hear on Skype. But, it's important to remember that everyone has a right to speak their mind and that censorship can limit that freedom.