ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education

Okay kiddo, let me explain what a centre for studies on inclusive education is in a way that even a 5-year-old can understand. So, this is a place where people go to learn more about how to make schools and classrooms a better and more welcoming place for everyone, no matter what their abilities or differences are.

Here's an example - imagine you have a friend in class who has a hard time seeing the board because of her eyesight. A centre for studies on inclusive education would help teachers learn how to make sure that friend has everything she needs to do well in class, like sitting at the front or using special glasses to see better.

But it's not just about helping people with special needs - it's also about making sure that everyone, no matter how different they are, is treated fairly and with respect. The centre might teach teachers about things like bullying, and how to stop it, or how to make sure that everyone feels safe and welcome in the classroom.

So, in a nutshell, a centre for studies on inclusive education is a place where teachers can go to learn how to make sure that everyone feels comfortable and supported in school, no matter what their backgrounds, abilities, or differences are.