ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Special education in the United Kingdom

Special education in the United Kingdom is when teachers and schools provide extra help for students who have trouble with their learning or physical challenges, so that they can still succeed in school. Just like we have different types of doctors for different parts of our body, schools have special teachers who are experts in helping kids with different needs, like dyslexia (difficulty with reading and writing), ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), or autism.

Sometimes, these special teachers will work one-on-one with students, and other times, they will provide support in the classroom with the regular teacher. They might use different techniques to help the student learn, like using visual aids or allowing them to take breaks when they get overwhelmed.

In the United Kingdom, it's important that all schools have the resources to provide special education, and that students with special needs get the same opportunities to succeed in school as their peers. This means that schools must follow laws and guidelines to make sure they are providing enough support for students who need it.