ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, do you know what a head is? It's the thing on top of our neck that helps us see, hear, smell, and taste. Now, have you ever heard of the word "cephalophore"? It's a really big word that means somebody who carries their own head around.

It's like in the legends we hear about, where there is a person whose head gets cut off but they still keep moving around, carrying their head with them. Sounds like something out of a scary movie, right?

But actually, "cephalophore" is not just a scary story. It's an old tradition that dates back to medieval times, where some saints were shown holding their own heads. It was a way to show their devotion and sacrifice to God.

So, a cephalophore is like a person who is so devoted that they carry their own head around, even after it's been cut off. But don't worry, it's not something that happens in real life! It's just a symbolic thing that people used to do a long time ago.