ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Celtic headhunting

Ok kiddo, so a long time ago, there were some people who lived in a place called Celtic lands. They were really good at fighting and protecting their homeland. At that time, people believed that they could gain strength and power by taking a part of their enemies’ bodies after they defeated them in battles.

This was called headhunting. And the people from Celtic lands were also headhunters. But they did it in a different way. They believed that the head was the most important part of the body, so they only took the head of their enemy after a battle. They would then hang the enemy’s head on a pole and show it off to their people as a symbol of victory.

It might seem scary to you, but back then, it was a way for people to prove their bravery and strength. It was also believed that the head of an enemy had some kind of power that would protect the Celtic people from harm.

But as time went on, headhunting became less common and eventually stopped altogether. Nowadays, we don't do things like headhunting anymore because we understand that it’s not right to hurt others or take parts of their body. Does that make sense to you, kiddo?