Hi there, kiddo! Have you ever collected things that make you happy, like stickers or rocks or action figures? Well, some grown-up humans collect things that might make you feel a little weird.
Some humans like to collect things that used to belong to other humans, like their skulls, hair, or other body parts. This is called “human trophy collecting.” They might also collect things that remind them of the person, like their jewelry, clothes, or even photos.
But here’s the thing, kiddo: it’s not okay to take things that belong to someone else without their permission. It’s also not okay to hurt or kill someone just to add their body parts to a collection. That’s really mean and very wrong.
Plus, it can be dangerous to keep body parts around because they can spread germs or make people very sick. So it’s always important to respect other people’s bodies and belongings.
Remember, there are lots of other things that you can collect that are much safer and much more fun. So let’s stick to collecting things like stickers, rocks, and action figures, okay?